

Typical Daily Schedule

7:30-9:00   Arrival& greeting time, parent staff connection, breakfast.

9:00-9:45    Transitional activities. (choice time in learning centers, free choice activities)

9:45-10:30   Planning circle time. (individualized curriculum, small group time, pre-writing, pre-math, project development)

10:30-10:45   Snack time.

10:45-11:30   Specialized workshops. (magic movement, theatre arts, music rhythm)

11:30-12:30 Lunch preparation/lunch.

12:30-2:00    Relaxation practice/nap time.

2:00-2:20 Wake up routine, bathroom time, and snack.

2:20-3:00 Outdoor activities/gross motor. (i.e. water sand play, art, cooking projects, outdoor exercises)

3:00-4:00 Enrichment activities. (i.e. field trips, library visits, walks)

4:00 -5:00 Clean up centers, transition, indoor story time, quiet individual choice activities.

5:00-6:00 Reconnection with parents.

***Special enrichment programs hosted by local educators.

**Monday circle time stories and song. 

*Wednesday Music and movement.